January 2, 2019

2019 is clicking on.  Hopefully you took the time to fill out your "2019 Year Goal Planning" in the front of your Success Choice Planner.  If not, do it now 🙂

Whatever your goals for the new year are, energy plays a big part.  If you don't already do so, consider adding exercise to your daily activities.  Even starting with a 10 minute walk will begin to increase your energy.

I like to exercise in the morning.  This sets my day off with a "win" and sets in motion positive momentum.  It's also great to take a walk at lunch time to increase your energy mid-day.  Find a time you can squeeze in some physical activity and see your energy increase.

Consider adding "exercise" to your daily routine tracker in your Success Choice Planner.



How to Spend Time to Increase Time

Read my article "How to spend time to increase time" for more motivation.

Feeling the weight of all I need to do today, I am tempted to forgo my morning workout. My mind toggles between thoughts of 30 minutes on the elliptical and jumping straight into my work. The elliptical eventually wins.

It’s Monday morning, and I sluggishly step onto the machine, still tired after a full weekend. My arms and legs gradually gain momentum pumping furiously for the 30 minutes. I end the workout more energized than when I started. With a little fist pump in the air and a silent “who-ahh,” Read More


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