Be Grateful – Success Choice Planner Focus Training

Be Grateful - Success Choice Planner Focus Training

Watch this month's Success Choice Planner F{ocus} Training: Be Grateful HERE

Be Grateful:

Intentionally cultivating the habit of being grateful is an important life skill that can transform your life -- increasing your joy and success.

However, it’s not always easy to express gratitude when going through a trying time or when experiencing a loss, perhaps the loss of a relationship, a job, or an aspect of your health.

Realize that:

Gratitude makes difficult times more tolerable and good events even more fulfilling.  You attract more abundance when you notice and express gratitude for all the good in your life.

I like the quote in the planner by Anthony Robbins that says:

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”

  • Whatever you focus on seems to grow, whether good or bad.

Life isn’t easy, but when we obsess about our problems and challenges, we sink deeper into them and they seem to multiply.  However, when we focus on what we can control and influence and on the good that can come from our challenges, our lives improve.

  • If you choose to notice, you will see that you have many more blessings than hardships and that the world is not all bad. (Neighborhood emergency preparedness drill – appreciate the simple pleasures in life)
  • Experience less stress and more joy. Take responsibility for your life and focus on what you have, rather than on what you don’t have. (You can always find people who have more than you do, and you can always find people who have less.  The important thing is to be happy with what you have, appreciate the good, even as you are striving for an even better situation).
  • Center your thoughts and conversations on the positive, rather than on the negative.

Instead of complaining, look for things to appreciate.

  • At least weekly, take time to record your insights, fortunate events, and thanksgivings in your planner. Reread when you need a boost.

In your Success Choice Planner, fill out your end of week review and Monthly Log.

Also, on the weekly layout, there is a customize section where you could write down things you are grateful for each day.

Notice the abundance around you.

This month I challenge you to intentionally focus on being more grateful.  Look for the good around you, and record in your Success Choice Planner.

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