January 13, 2019 – The Power of Journaling

Regular journaling is a valuable tool in discovering your personal POWER and for recording the stories of your life. There are stories of happy times and heartaches, of triumphs and failures. All of these stories come together to make you who you are. However, it’s not just what happens in your life, but the stories you tell yourself about those events that add to or diminish your power.

If there is an area of your life that isn’t working well, think about the stories you associate with this challenge. Are they true, or are they stories passed on to you from others (i.e. “Our family has always been overweight”), or your own stories (i.e. “I’m not smart enough”), or stories you tell others (i.e. “My life is so unfair”)? Even if you believe your stories, they may not be serving you. You may need to let the story go, add a new chapter, or modify the story you tell yourself by adding a but, i.e. “I didn’t graduate, but I have a lot of practical experience.”

Reflect and journal today.


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